Due to the increase in mortality among adults and especially children by carbon monoxide, explanatory work on safety is being carried out on the territory of the Oktyabrsky district.

Employees of the administration, together with employees of the MTU, as well as the OCHS of the Oktyabrsky district, conduct explanatory work to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning with the population, especially with residents of residential areas.

The district administration recalls that the main source of carbon monoxide is faulty gas, oil, wood-burning stoves, gas appliances, water heaters in swimming pools and engines that emit exhaust gases indoors.

Insufficient access of fresh air to the stove can also contribute to the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the house. Cramped structures of houses also increase the risk of poisoning, since they do not provide free ventilation.

Special vigilance should be exercised during heavy snowfalls and sharp temperature fluctuations.

Dear citizens! We kindly ask you to observe safety precautions and take care of yourself!